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Harry Tipper, III is Co-Founder and Chief Underwriting Officer for Alliance Captive Management, LLC, a captive management firm with the required expertise to successfully assess, develop, and manage US-domiciled captive insurance and reinsurance companies. Mr. Tipper also is actively engaged as an expert witness or arbitrator in reinsurance litigations and arbitrations in both the US and UK where he brings more than 50 years’ experience as a Property & Casualty/Workers Compensation underwriter and senior executive with major US and Bermuda domiciled insurance and reinsurance companies, underwriting managers, captive managers, and consultants.
Mr. Tipper holds a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University and a Master of Business Administration from New York University’s Stern School of Business. He has written and lectured extensively, conducting workshops and briefings for numerous trade associations including the International Association of Accident Boards & Commissions, the Risk & Insurance Management Society, and the Self-Insurance Institute of America; for university executive development programs; and local, state, and federal governmental agencies in both the United States and Canada. He has been a certified arbitrator with ARIAS-US, served on the Captive Committee and the Captive Advocacy Task Force of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, chaired the Self-Insurance Educational Foundation, and was the Deputy Chair and a Director of the Bermuda Captive Owners Association. Harry also is a member of the U.S.C.G. Auxiliary in which he holds local, regional, and national positions.
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